Release Notes#
This page lists the version history of ICE RemoteWare™ releases.
What’s New in v15.0.0#
Scyld Cloud Workstation has been renamed and rebranded to ICE RemoteWare
Redesigned and updated the documentation
Multi Session support on Linux. The multi session feature allows multiple users to run their own sessions concurrently
Added scripts on Linux distribution to set up secure password- less connections
Option added to control and set keep-alive settings on TCP sockets
Showing network address in addition to user name in connect notifications
Added the server’s hostname on sign-page and it’s page title
Fixed an issue where the details of the path to the SSL certificates in the configuration file was deleted
Fixed an error in the installation validation where a missing VH license triggered a misleading error report
Improved the dependency information for Linux packages
Fixed a problem with clients where they might stop working during user login on Linux systems
Improved sign-in and -out experiences
Removed CentOS7 from the list of supported OSes
Fixed a problem where sometimes clients lost keyboard and mouse access when connecting to a server with multiple displays
Known Issues#
Native client: Download files from server not working (#4574)
Copy Remote Clipboard is not supported on Safari (#4254)
Linux: NvFBC video capture is very slow when log level is set to debug (#4248)
Linux: During NvFBC capture login into the OS might require relogin into the server (#4241)
MacOS: NativeClient does not continue mouse dragging when mouse leaves window (#3970)
MacOS: Sometimes audio gets corrupted when connected requiring the user to reconnect (#3122)
Safari on BigSur (macOS 11) and earlier doesn’t support connecting to servers with self-signed certificates. Please use Chrome as a workaround (#3971)
Windows systems with no mouse devices will not show a mouse cursor. Please enable the Microsoft ‘Mouse Keys’ feature to force Windows to show a cursor as a workaround (#1079)
Disconnecting Wacom Tablets from the USB Forwarding Menu will disable ‘Mouse Keys’ on Windows and this may cause the cursor to disappear if there are no mouse devices. Please re-enable ‘Mouse Keys’ or reconnect the Wacom Tablet as a workaround (#3986)
Wayland based display servers are not supported. A X11 based windowing system must be enabled (#4132)
Version History#
Fix for Linux system without a proper display manager
Added Ubuntu 24 support
Added File Download from server
Added File Upload to server
Added Trial Mode, user can evaluate ICE RemoteWare for a limited time without a trial license
Added Network Address Filter to server
Added USB Allow List to server
Command line option added to load additional config file
Improvements to trial mode
Added a warning when the user space server is not running
Removed ctrl-alt-del button in the client UI when connected to a MacOS server
Disabled Audio forwarding on OS login screens
Fixed Ctrl+F12 keyboard shortcut for users who aren’t controllers
Multiple fixes to the Advanced Setting page, e.g. for systems without any authorization, added an option to allow guest access, client UI changes reflecting configuration changes
Advanced Setting page has default mode for commonly used settings and an expert mode for more advanced configuration
Fixed Log Viewer for systems without authorization, added an option for guest access
Fixes for multi-display systems for Log Viewer and Advanced Setting pages
Enabled “window-manager-less” mode on Linux
Added a configuration setting to turn off license upload
Fixes for keyboard handling of Japanese characters
Server logs any unrecognized settings in config file
MacOS audio: Fixed server crash and improved audio handling
Fixed an issue during log into a server when authentication is disabled
Added Advanced Settings page for configuration file editing
Added License Management page for managing missing, outdated, and invalid licenses
Added a Log Viewer for viewing server and service log files (To enable, set Server.LogViewer.Enabled to true)
Added Kiosk Mode to the Native Client to create a locked-down experience (use command line flag –kiosk or /kiosk for windows)
Added MacOS Sonoma 14 support
Deprecated MacOS Catalina 15 support
Enabled copying from remote clipboards of Windows servers
Added Allow list to control the types of USB devices that are allowed to be forwarded to the server (see Server.VirtualHere.AllowedUsbDevices for more information)
Added notifications when a USB device is forwarded to the server
Improved Japanese language handling on Native Client
Fixed race condition during USB forwarding
Fixed an issue preventing the Native Client from copying the server clipboard to the client
Fixed Windows issue preventing domain account users from logging in twice into the server
Fixed cursor not displaying on Linux when using the nvfbc video source
Fixed Japanese text input on MacOS and added a key mapping example
Added autodetection of keyboard layout change to MacOS server
Made missing audio support error message on on demand (MacOS only)
Added remote clipboard copying (Linux and MacOS only)
Added ‘Fit to Window’ view
Added support for Windows Server 2022 (server-side only)
Added beta support for MacOS Sonoma 14
Deprecated USB Forwarding on MacOS Big Sur 11
Added clipboard synchronization notification
Added notification for when MacOS copy-paste server is not running
Updated VirtualHere server to 4.5.9 and VirtualHere client to 5.5.4
Improved mouse responsiveness when client is overloaded
Fixed keyboard handling of Shift+Insert, Shift+Delete, Shift+NumPad, Shift+Cancel/Stop, and Ctrl+Alt
Fixed handling of user defined port numbers
Fixed several issues with installation on Google Cloud instances
Added workaround for Linux systems where SELinux has made shared memory inaccessible
NOTE: Existing ICE FlexLM installations must be updated to ICE FlexLM v11.19.3
Added support for Rocky Linux 9
Added support for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
Added support for MacOS Ventura 13
Added beta support for Windows Server 2022
Added Japanese keyboard support
Updated VirtualHere server to 4.5.6 and VirtualHere client to 5.4.7
Updated recommended BlackHole version to 0.5.0 for MacOS audio
Updated to OpenSSL 3.1 on Windows and MacOS
Improved stability of VirtualHere integration on Linux
Improved MacOS Installer
Improved page loading times
Improved Windows RDP disconnect handling
Improved handling of Google Cloud using Google Graphics Array on Windows
Fixed handling of Ubuntu service shutdown
Fixed graphics capturing bug on Optimus systems in Windows
Fixed graphics capturing bug when logging into Linux systems
Fixed copy-paste on MacOS servers not working on first attempt
Fixed potential lockout when MacOS lock screen Cancel button causes host to sleep
Fixed server crash on ARM-based Monterey hosts when switching audio source to Blackhole 16ch
Fixed Windows native client not shutting down cleanly
Fixed Windows validation tool unable to run without admin rights
Fixed service log gets too many messages when server restart fails
Added keyboard support for all Latin and Cyrillic languages
Reduced CPU load when screen window is minimized or in background tab
Reintegrated NvFBC in Linux to reduce server CPU load
Changed Fullscreen keyboard shortcut on native client to Ctrl+F11
Added hardware color conversion for Windows
Improved login and logout loading transitions
Added IPv6 support in native clients
Added support for sending Cmd+Q to server from MacOS clients
Changed QoS to be more conservative
Fixed error page link to home page
Updated Linux package dependencies
Fixed URI scheme not registered after performing RPM update of native client
Fixed internal ping time counter
Reduced debug level messaging in MacOS
Fixed Linux ‘x11’ videosource config option
Fixed server ‘–setConfig’ command line option
Removed ‘Jointly engineered with Colorado Code Craft’ from sign in page
Added support for up to 60 fps frame rate on Linux servers. Configuration file update is required to enable. See Server.Video.Encoding.H264.MaxFrameRate for more information.
Added support for Windows 11 and Windows Server 2019
Added support for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Added beta support for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (requires: OpenSSL 1.1.1)
Deprecated support for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Deprecated support for MacOS High Sierra 10.13 and MacOS Mojave 10.14
Improved user interface load time
Improved keyboard and mouse response times
Improved handling of non-English keyboards in Linux
Fixed Rocky Linux Client’s USB Forwarding instability
Fixed native client video instability during scrolling
Fixed race condition in service restart tool for Windows
Fixed race condition in handling CentOS 7 logouts
Fixed MacOS video sources not always being available after reboot
Fixed native client crash when adding a third display
Prevent multiple users from connecting when lossless or visually lossless video encoding is active
Added support for Rocky Linux 8
Changed USB Forwarding to only be available by installing an optional module
Added support for up to 60 fps frame rate on Windows servers using the new default video source (‘windda’)
Added support for up to 60 fps frame rate on ARM-based Mac servers
Improved handling of Windows sign-out confirmation screen
Updated VirtualHere server to 4.4.2 and VirtualHere client to 5.3.6
Fixed Windows active directory domain logins
Fixed Windows and Linux keyboard handling
Fixed Linux pactl zombie processes
Fixed MacOS caffeinate zombie processes
Fixed USB Forwarding menu not reflecting WACOM tablet unplug events
Fixed remote cursor not hiding when disconnecting a WACOM tablet
Fixed missing ShadowPassword fields in default MacOS and Windows configuration files
Fixed Windows configuration file handling of ‘auto’ values
Dropped support for Windows 7 and 8
Dropped support for NvFBC
Dropped support for Internet Explorer 11
Dropped USB Forwarding support for MacOS Big Sur servers
Fixed MacOS installer alerts
Fixed crash of Windows server
Added support for MacOS server updates without a desktop login
Added support for MacOS client clean installs and updates without a desktop login
Fixed stuck video on MacOS login screen
Improved MacOS server and client installer log messages
Fixed Windows server validation tool
Fixed Windows client unable to reopen screens
Fixed missing Windows client DLLs msvcp140_1.dll and vcruntime140_1.dll
Bug fixes for USB Forwarding
Updated to VirtualHere server v4.3.8
Updated to VirtualHere client v5.3.1
Added MacOS Monterey 12 client and server side support
Added Apple Silicon M1 support for client and server
Added 60 fps support for servers using Apple Silicon M1
Fixed MacOS client caps lock
Fixed MacOS client copy and paste
Removed support for USB Forwarding to Big Sur servers due to a change in Big Sur. Please update to MacOS Monterey for USB Forwarding support. Big Sur clients can still forward USB devices to other servers
Improved Windows USB Forwarding start-up
Improved Windows sign out handling
Improved Windows install verification tool
Updated Windows and MacOS OpenSSL to 1.1.1l
Added ability for native clients to auto resize to video
Added support for Audio.Output.SampleRate values 48000 and 96000
Fixed issue with scrollbars being inaccessible in fullscreen
Added MacOS Big Sur client support (x86 only)
Updated USB Forwarding installation for MacOS Catalina and later
Added ability to launch the native client using new URI scheme:
Added an application launcher for GNOME systems
Changed native client command line to accept URL argument without flags
Fixed Ubuntu client installer issue that prevented USB Forwarding
Fixed MacOS and Windows client whitescreen issue
Added USB Forwarding (includes Wacom Tablet support)
Upgraded QT on Windows and MacOS to 5.14.2
Improved audio quality on MacOS and Windows
CentOS and RHEL customers encouraged to install using YUM repository (see documentation for more information)
Added PrintScreen and Ctrl+Alt+Del to keyboard shortcuts
Removed Windows installer menu for config file credential setup
Changed minimum length of config file passwords to be six characters
Added FAQ to help users who have WebGL blocked by their browser for certain graphics cards and driver combinations
Fixed escape keydown issue
Added –broker-passwd flag for MacOS
Changed ScyldCloudAuth based usernames to be case insensitive
NOTE: This release is not compatible with earlier versions. Please update all server and client components
Added CentOS 8 with GDM support (Xorg must be enabled)
NOTE: Windows users should use the NVIDIA Control Panel to change screen resolution
Discontinued CentOS 6 support
Added notarization and code signing of MacOS packages
Updated recommended BlackHole version to 0.2.9 for MacOS audio
Added CSP policy
Added Users API
Added ‘broker’ account for API access
Disabled ‘admin’ account by default on Linux and Windows
Fixed initial static audio in MacOS
Fixed multiple users not able to access audio streams in Linux
Fixed MacOS copy-paste
Changed service architecture for all Linux platforms
Updated Windows and MacOS OpenSSL to 1.1.1k
Removed ability to customize Linux screensaver launcher
Changed background color to a slight gray
Optimized cursor loading
Bug fixes and security updates
Added security patch to MacOS server
Fixed missing MacOS client icon
NOTE: Existing ICE FlexLM installations should be updated to ICE FlexLM v11.17.0.1
Added audio support for Safari
Fixed MacOS issue with starting service from command line
Fixed MacOS issue with audio toggle
Fixed MacOS issue with video device detection on reboot
Improved audio settings to CD-Audio quality
Improved audio-video sync by lowering default Audio.Output.BufferTime to 0.020s
Added support for 8, 16, and 24 values to Audio.Output.BitsPerSample
Added support for additional Audio.Output.SampleRate values
Added ability to restart audio by toggling audio button
Updated documentation for bandwidth and hardware requirements
Fixed OS credentials login conflicts
Fixed Linux user name detection
Fixed Linux “Test AudioSource: pipe failed ‘Too many files open’”
Fixed Windows NvFBC multi-screen mouse cursor positioning
Fixed Windows adding config file credentials dynamically
Fixed MacOS for multiple user accounts
Fixed MacOS login
Fixed MacOS audio detection
Fixed MacOS launcher
Fixed issue with Chrome not being able to sign in over HTTP
Fixed issue with incomplete Config File Credentials preventing other sign ins
Added server support for MacOS 10.13, 10.14, and 10.15
Added client support for MacOS 10.13, 10.14, and 10.15
Added on-screen performance monitor to client
Improved audio-video sync by lowering Audio.Output.BufferTime to 0.045s
Added two-channel audio for Windows 10, CentOS 7, and Ubuntu 16 servers. See the Server Audio section for more information
Increased Server.Video.MaxWidth and Server.Video.MaxHeight to 1440p (2560x1440)
Added RHV Authentication Support
Added support for IPv6
Updated Windows OpenSSL to 1.1.1g
Fixed issue with High DPI scaling in Windows native client
Fixed browser support for NvFBC at 4K resolutions
Fixed issue with visually lossless slider not updating in multi-display, multi-user situation
Added support for visually lossless video (single user, native client only)
Improved lossless video performance
Added support for Chrome 80’s new SameSite cookie policy
Fixed display detection error handling in linux startup script
Fixed custom application cursors not showing in Windows
Fixed fullscreen button not showing for Guest users
Changed UI to inform when no users have keyboard and mouse control
Added security patch to Server.Auth.OSAuthEnabled for Windows
Fixed screen resolution changing in CentOS 7.7
Fixed pausing and resuming guest video
Fixed video halting when switching to Ctrl+Alt+Del menu in Windows 7
Fixed black box cursor when connecting over a VM
Added error messaging for missing PEM file
Fixed ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT connection error
Improved log file messaging
Improved screen scaling support
Fixed QoS to react faster to network changes
Increased default Server.Video.AvgBitRate to
Changed Server.Video.AvgBitRate to optionally accept a single
value and use the given bit-rate for all resolutionsDisabled low bandwidth warning messages by default
NOTE: This release is not compatible with earlier versions. Please update all server and client components.
Added a new video decoder for significant video improvement in modern browsers
Added security patch to websocket protocol
Added support for ScyldCloudAuth Token Authentication
Added ability to use a custom sign-in page by setting Server.Auth.ExternalSignInPage to a URL
Improved QoS algorithm
Added feature to halt server if port is already being used
Fixed issue with setting Server.VideoSource to ‘nvfbc’ resulting in ‘stream’ video source
Changed frame rate to reflect actual frames per second instead of decode time
Fixed Mac Cmd key
Fixed text paste not working in Chrome browser
Added single-user support for toggling lossless video (native client only)
Added beta support for GNOME 3.28+ on CentOS 7
Dropped server and client support for Ubuntu 14
Reorganized main toolbar
Added lossless video checkbox to new settings menu
Added scaled video status message to new settings menu
Upgraded QT to 5.9.7
Updated Windows OpenSSL to 1.0.2r
Fixed multi-display issues when enabling and disabling displays
Improved user warning alerts
Fixed multi-user slow-user warning icons
Fixed alternative mouse cursor visibility
Fixed mouse scrolling behavior in Chrome 73
Fixed multi-display issue with double-clicking on screen buttons
Fixed misleading “Another user is signed in” message
Fixed issue where clicking on external links created a black window (native client only)
Reduced mouse context menu options (native client only)
Fixed “You need to enable cookies in order to log in” issue (native client only)
Fixed CentOS 6 issue with setting Server.VideoSource to
Fixed minor multi-screen interface issues
Fixed documentation by changing Server.ConcurrentClients.MaxClientCount to Server.MultiUser.MaxClientCount
Hide Guest Invite buttons when Server.MultiUser.MaxClientCount is set to
Fixed QoS stability issues
Added support for mouse dragging between tiled screens
Switched to overlay scrollbars
Updated QoS algorithm
Fixed Javascript error in IE11
Fixed crash related to screen size changing
Fixed flickering caused by decoder library and stream video source
Fixed QoS stability issues
Fixed downscaling when resolution height is not divisible by 4
command line option to help test installationAdded version compatibility checking to native client and server
Added support for adding or removing displays
Added Windows start menu shortcuts for easier access to log file and service restart
Updated Windows OpenSSL to 1.0.2p
Fixed Ubuntu 14 issue where video outputs swapped after screen size change
Fixed resolution scaledown message text and added fade-out behavior
Fixed button behavior for opening screens
Fixed mouse location after display re-positioning
Fixed support for Windows systems with multiple NvFBC GPUs
NOTE: This release is not compatible with earlier versions
NOTE: A clean install of the Server is required (Windows only)
Added ability to show multiple screens across multiple displays
Renamed boot.log log file to win-service.log
Added confirmation prompts to prevent accidental session closing
Added ability to change PAM Service name by changing the Server.Auth.PAM.Service config option
Fixed max video scaling issues that occurred after resolution changes
Removed unneeded libraries from Server MSI installer
Fonts are now hosted by the Server
Client window bug fixes
Fixed native client blank connect dialogue appearing after service restarts
Fixed native client black screen when reconnecting after Windows 10 service restarts
Fixed native client scroll bars not appearing when reconnecting after Windows 10 service restarts
Fixed Windows 10 service becoming unavailable after signing out
Suppressed mouse cursors always shows in Windows 10
Added HiDPI support for Windows stream encoder
Fixed Linux log file location
Improved handling of scenarios where Windows has no console session
Improved handling of scenarios where RDP session is active
Documented ‘Escape’ workaround for black windows login screen issue
Changed default XML config file value for Server.IdleUserTimeout to 120
Fixed missing OpenSSL libraries in Windows
Fixed client EULA
Changed video bit-rate selection to be based on screen resolution
Lower latency for native client due to optimizations on color conversion and frame rendering
Added OpenSSL v1.0.2n libraries to Windows native-client
Fixed Windows password changing documentation
Fixed config file automatically inserting StreamVideoSource tags
Removed Windows wrapper batch script
Added 4K resolution support to native-client. Additional server-side setup is required. See the Enable 4K Support section for more information.
Improved frame-rate performance of native-client
Added MD5 hash of configuration file to start-up output
Upgraded QT to 5.9.2
Improved native-client window resize behavior
Improved native-client fullscreen behavior to downscale graphics when remote desktop is larger than the client screen size
Fixed image blurring when enabling unique frames
Added ability to sign in with Linux and Windows OS credentials
Added ability to transmit only unique video frames with Server.Video.UniqueFramesOnly config setting (true by default)
Added browserless ‘native’ client for CentOS 7 and Windows 7
Fixed relative paths for Server.LicensePath
Updated fonts, icons, and colors
Changed from Windows NSIS installer to MSI installer
All Server.ConcurrentClients configuration settings changed to Server.MultiUser
Fixed “too many files open” error for generic stream video source
Improved error handling for disconnects during inactivity
Changed default idle user timeout to 2 hours
Fixed black winlogon screen for stream video source
Fixed screen size changing in Windows
Fixed handling of poor network connections
Windows installer preserves *.dat, *.lic files on update
Fixed blackscreen when using IE 11 over a VPN
Fixed systemd service status check
Fixed init script false-positive when license checkout fails
Fixed systemd service script
Reduced log output on license checkout retries
Added CPU-based (stream) video source option
Added idle user timeout (Server.IdleUserTimeout takes minutes. Disabled by default)
Added ability to update Server.Auth settings at runtime (except Server.Auth.Enabled)
Added ability to auto-select a video source
Added Flexera License Management
Added ability to specify license file with Server.LicenseFile config setting
Added ability to delay service start with Server.StartDelay config setting
Renamed Server.WebSocketServer.Secure to Server.Secure
Renamed Server.WebSocketServer.Port to Server.Port
Renamed Server.ServiceLogFile to Server.BootLogFile
Renamed debug0.txt to ice-remoteware-service.log and debug1.txt to ice-remoteware.log
Changed Windows install directory to C:\Program Files\Penguin Solutions\ICE RemoteWare
Changed Windows service startup from Automatic to Delayed
Changed log messages
Fixed guests getting kicked out if one of multiple hosts signs out
Fixed handling of IPv6 addresses
Fixed guest toolbar being hidden while paused
Fixed duplication of guest alerts
Fixed guest video when starting out paused
Added support for CentOS 7 (requires LightDM / MATE desktop environment)
Added Floating UI
Added adjustable screen resolutions limits
Added Server.Video.MaxWidth and Server.Video.MaxHeight to config file
Updated QoS algorithm
Windows installer preserves *.crt, *.cer, *.pem, *.key, and *.der files on update
Set default max frame rates to 30
Fixed Firefox keyboard issue for remote Windows services
Increased send timeout values
Added Server.VideoSendTimeout, Server.DataSendTimeout, and Server.ReceiveTimeout to config file
Fixed QoS adaptive frame rate algorithm
Fixed IE11 fullscreen keyboard and scrollbars
Fixed unexpected multi-user client timeouts
Added keyboard and mouse sharing for collaboration
Added guest invites for collaboration
Added text paste from local clipboard support
Added remote desktop auto-lock on disconnect
Updated QoS algorithm
Updated user interface style
Updated default SSL ciphers
Compatible with v2.3 config file
Updated default SSL ciphers
Fixed Command/Windows key getting stuck
Fixed cursor disappearing during Windows UAC
Improved decode performance
Improved QoS responsiveness
Improved mouse scrolling. Ticks are now server-dependent
Added code authenticity check
Fixed OS X command key
Improved version number system
Fix for null cursor
Fix for missing HTML icons
Added support for 16x16 cursors in Windows
Improved web-page refresh
Added local cursor
Added basic QoS / dynamic frame rate updates
Simplified configuration file by relying more on defaults
Updated interface controls to be centered, sleeker
Updated default openSSL.server.cipherList string to include !RC4
Updated default openSSL.server.verificationMode to relaxed
Fixed cursor in Firefox Fullscreen
Fixed mouse wheel
Fixed screen crop
Added auto-lock (disabled by default)
Authentication screen can now be disabled in config
RPM installer preserves old config file by default
Added screen resolution change support (Windows, Linux)
ScyldCloudAuth “JSON Syntax Error” fix
Silent / Quiet Windows installer