We welcome any reports on errors or difficulties that you may find. We also would like your suggestions on improving this document. Please direct all comments and problems to
When writing your email, please be as specific as possible, especially with errors in the text. Please include the chapter and section information. Also, please mention in which version of the manual you found the error. This version is ICE ClusterWare™ Release v12.4.0.
Finding Further Information#
If you encounter a problem installing your cluster and find that the Install cannot help you, the following are sources for more information:
The Changelog contains per-release specifics, and a Known Issues And Workarounds section.
The Administration contains references to ClusterWare commands.
Contacting Penguin Computing Support#
If you choose to contact Penguin Computing Support,
you may be asked to submit a system information snapshot.
Execute scyld-sysinfo --no-tar
to view this snapshot locally,
otherwise execute scyld-sysinfo
to produce the compressed tarball that
can be emailed or otherwise communicated to Penguin Computing.