The Overview describes the ICE ClusterWare™ system architecture and design and basic terminology necessary to properly configure and administer a ClusterWare cluster.
This Install Guide is intended for use by ClusterWare administrators. As is typical for any Linux-based system, the administrator must have root privileges (if only via sudo) to perform many of the tasks described in this document.
This guide provides specific information about tools and methods for setting up the cluster, security considerations, and optional tools that can be useful in administrating your cluster.
This guide is written with the assumption that the administrator has a background in a Unix or Linux operating environment; therefore, the document does not cover basic Linux system administration. If you do not have sufficient knowledge for using or administering a Linux system, we recommend that you first study other resources, either in print or online.
When appropriate, this document refers the reader to other parts of the documentation set for more detailed explanations for various topics, such as the Administration Guide, which provides greater details about cluster administration, commands, and GUI features.