Services, Ports, Protocols#


Apache serves the ICE ClusterWare™ REST API via HTTP on port 80 using mod_wsgi through the httpd systemd service aliased as clusterware. HTTPS Encryption over port 443 can be enabled through standard Apache and operating system procedures. Apache is Open Source, and Penguin Computing contributes the REST API. The log files are /var/log/clusterware/api_access_log and /var/log/clusterware/api_error_log.

The ClusterWare GUI is also served through Apache from the /var/www/clusterware/front/ directory.


Chrony is used to keep time synchronized across the cluster, including synchronization to upstream network time-servers and to all nodes within the cluster itself. The systemd service name is chronyd and it uses port 123 for its time-keeping communications, and port 323 for receiving commands from the chronyc management tool. This service is configured, started, and stopped by the ClusterWare service based on the cluster configuration. The configuration file is generated from a template located at /opt/scyld/clusterware-chrony/chrony.conf.template.


DHCP provides dynamic host configuration, with a systemd service name clusterware-dhcpd and using port 68. The log file is var/log/clusterware/isc-dhcpd.log. This service is configured, started, and stopped by the ClusterWare service based on the cluster configuration. The configuration file is generated from a template located at /opt/scyld/clusterware-iscdhcp/dhcpd.conf.template.


Never directly try to control DHCP on a ClusterWare head node, it will not work. Services that start with clusterware- are managed by the ClusterWare service.


DNS provides name- and ip-address-lookup services, with a systemd service name clusterware-dnsmasq and using port 53. This service is configured, started, and stopped by the ClusterWare service based on the cluster configuration. The configuration file is generated from a template located at /opt/scyld/clusterware-dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf.template.


Never directly try to control DNS on a ClusterWare head node, it will not work. Services that start with clusterware- are managed by the ClusterWare service.


The replicated configuration key/value store etcd has the systemd service name clusterware-etcd. Log files are found in /var/log/clusterware/. etcd uses port 52380 to communicate with other head nodes.


Never directly try to control etcd on a ClusterWare head node, it will not work. Services that start with clusterware- are managed by the ClusterWare service.


iSCSI optionally serves root filesystems to compute nodes and uses port 3260. Serving root file systems via iSCSI is configured by the ClusterWare service using the targetcli command line tool.


OpenSSH provides services to remotely execute programs and to transfer files, with a systemd service name sshd and using port 22. Encryption is SSH. The log file is /var/log/messages.

Telegraf / Telegraf-Relay / InfluxDB#

All head node and compute node performance data collected by telegraf is sent to a systemd service named telegraf-relay on one of the head nodes over HTTP(S). Telegraf-Relay replicates and relays this data to every other telegraf-relay over HTTPS. Each telegraf-relay finally sends the data to its locally hosted InfluxDB for storage.


The TFTP Server provides downloads for early iPXE boot files, with a systemd service name xinetd and using port 69. This service can be replaced by appropriate network card firmware. The log file is /var/log/messages.