ICE ClusterWare™ administrators who want to use Kubernetes as a container orchestration layer across their cluster can either choose to install Kubernetes manually following directions found online or use scripts provided by the clusterware-kubeadm package to install and bootstrap Kubernetes clusters.
The provided scripts are based on the kubeadm
tool and inherit
both the benefits and limitations of that tool. If you prefer to use a
different tool to install Kubernetes, follow appropriate
directions available online from your chosen Kubernetes provider.
ClusterWare nodes and non-ClusterWare systems can be joined into the same Kubernetes cluster when the servers are on the same network.
To use clusterware-kubeadm scripts on ClusterWare nodes, install the clusterware-kubeadm package on a server that a ClusterWare admin can use to access those nodes from
. Use the following command to install:sudo yum --enablerepo=scyld* install clusterware-kubeadm clusterware-tools
To use clusterware-kubeadm scripts on non-ClusterWare servers, install the clusterware-kubeadm package on all of those servers. The scripts will be run from each of those servers locally. Use the following command to install:
sudo yum --enablerepo=scyld* install clusterware-kubeadm
After installing the software, a ClusterWare admin or a root user on a
non-ClusterWare system can use the scyld-kube tool to install the Kubernetes
cluster. The default kubernetes version is hardcoded in
and has been tested. If you want to install any other version of Kubernetes, you
can append a specific version (major.minor.patch) argument to scyld-kube
For example:
scyld-kube --version 1.31.1
Two Kubernetes control plane configuration options are supported: a single Kubernetes control plane node or a High Available (with HAProxy and Keepalived) Kubernetes control plane with a first and additional control nodes. Both configurations can have additional workers (non-controller nodes).
For a server to function as a Kubernetes control plane or worker,
swap must be turned off. Verify current status with swapon -s
. Use
swapoff -a -v
to disable swap. You should not use a RAM-booted or
otherwise ephemeral compute node as Kubernetes control plane.
The following sections include an example of a single ClusterWare control pane node plus ClusterWare nodes as workers. See Using Kubernetes for additional examples, including non-ClusterWare systems and multiple control plane nodes.
Bootstrap Kubernetes Control Plane#
Initialize the control plane node(s).
For a single node control plane:
For a single ClusterWare node control plane, use the following command:
scyld-kube -i <control plane node ID> --init
For a single non-ClusterWare node control plane, use the following command:
scyld-kube --init
For a multi-node control pane:
For a ClusterWare multi-node control plane, use the following commands on a ClusterWare admin node:
$scyld-kube --prepare-lb <unused IP> <first control plane node ID>:<node IP>,<additional control plane node ID>:<node IP>,<additional control plane node ID>:<node IP> $scyld-kube -i <first control plane node ID> --init-ha
For non-ClusterWare multi-node control plane, use the following commands on the first control plane system:
$scyld-kube --prepare-lb <unused IP> <first control plane node ID>:<node IP>,<additional control plane node ID>:<node IP>,<additional control plane node ID>:<node IP> $scyld-kube --init-ha
Run the following command to initialize ClusterWare node n0 ( as a control plane node:
scyld-kube -i n0 --init
Messages about joining ClusterWare NODES/IMAGE and non-ClusterWare system as workers to this ClusterWare control plane are printed out after a successful initialization. For example:
To join ClusterWare NODES/IMAGE as worker to this Clusterware control plane:
scyld-kube -i NODES --join --cluster n0
scyld-kube --image IMAGE --join --cluster n0
To join non ClusterWare system as worker to this ClusterWare control plane:
scyld-kube --join --token yp6lxa.wcb6g48ud3f2cwng --cahash sha256:413a6267bac67ff749734749dc8b5f60323a68c64bf7fc8e99292dd9b29040b2 --cluster
Checking Deployment Status#
Verify that Kubernetes is ready on each system after the first initialization. Verify again after each control plane node or worker node joins.
For a ClusterWare control plane, use the following command:
scyld-nodectl -i <node ID> exec kubectl get nodes -o wide
For a non-ClusterWare control plane, use the following command:
kubectl get nodes -o wide
The following example shows the Kubernetes cluster has ClusterWare n0 as a working control plane.
[admin@cwhead ~]$ scyld-nodectl -i n0 exec kubectl get nodes -o wide
n0.cluster.local Ready control-plane 1d v1.31.2 <none> Rocky Linux 8.10 (Green Obsidian) 4.18.0-553.el8_10.x86_64 containerd://1.6.32
Additional Configuration#
Depending on your ClusterWare cluster configuration, the INTERNAL-IP of the
ClusterWare control plane may not match the IP address known to the ClusterWare platform.
If they are different, replace the --cluster
value with the INTERNAL-IP
value when using the printed out messages to join additional control plane nodes
and workers. In the example, the INTERNAL-IP of the ClusterWare control plane
is, which is the same as n0’s IP address known to the ClusterWare platform.
If you are joining additional control plane nodes, you may need to generate a new certificate key because the one printed in the output expires in 2 hours.
For a ClusterWare control plane, use the following command to generate a new key:
[adminr@cwhead ~]$ scyld-nodectl -i <node ID> exec kubeadm init phase upload-certs --upload-certs
[upload-certs] Storing the certificates in Secret "kubeadm-certs" in the "kube-system" Namespace
[upload-certs] Using certificate key:
On a non-ClusterWare control plane, use the following command:
[root@kube1 ~]$ kubeadm init phase upload-certs –upload-certs
Replace the --certificate-key
value with the new certificate key you just
generated when using the output messages to join additional control plane nodes.
Adding Workers#
Using the messages output after initialization as a guide, join workers to the control plane.
To join ClusterWare nodes as workers to a ClusterWare control plane:
scyld-kube -i n[<node IDs>] --join --cluster <control plane node ID>
To join ClusterWare nodes as workers to a non-ClusterWare control plane:
scyld-kube -i n[<node IDs>] --join --token <token value> --cahash <cahash value> --cluster <control plane IP>
To join non-ClusterWare systems as workers to a ClusterWare control plane:
scyld-kube --join --token <token value> --cahash <cahash> --cluster <control plane IP>
To join non-ClusterWare systems as workers to a non-ClusterWare control plane:
scyld-kube --join --token <token value> --cahash <cahash value> --cluster <control plane IP>
For ClusterWare workers, use the following commands to create a Kubernetes worker node image and then boot the nodes with the node image as workers:
$ scyld-bootctl -i DefaultBoot clone name=<boot name>
$ scyld-imgctl -i DefaultImage clone name=<image name>
$ scyld-kube --image <image name> --join --cluster <control plane node ID>
$ scyld-bootctl -i <boot name> up image=<image name>
$ scyld-nodectl -i n[5-10] set _boot_config=<boot name>
$ scyld-nodectl -i n[5-10] reboot
For the single ClusterWare control plane example, the following messages are printed out after the control plane initialization:
To join ClusterWare NODES/IMAGE as worker to this Clusterware control plane:
scyld-kube -i NODES --join --cluster n0
scyld-kube --image IMAGE --join --cluster n0
To join non ClusterWare system as worker to this ClusterWare control plane:
scyld-kube --join --token yp6lxa.wcb6g48ud3f2cwng --cahash sha256:413a6267bac67ff749734749dc8b5f60323a68c64bf7fc8e99292dd9b29040b2 --cluster
Using the message output after initialization as a guide, join ClusterWare nodes (n[1-4]) as workers to the control plane node n0 with the following command:
$ scyld-kube -i n[1-4] --join --cluster n0
Create a Kubernetes worker node image and then boot n[5-10] with the node image as workers to control plane n0:
$ scyld-bootctl -i DefaultBoot clone name=KubeWorkerBoot $ scyld-imgctl -i DefaultImage clone name=KubeWorkerImage $ scyld-kube --image KubeWorkerImage --join --cluster n0 $ scyld-bootctl -i KubeWorkerBoot up image=KubeWorkerImage $ scyld-nodectl -i n[5-10] set _boot_config=KubeWorkerBoot $ scyld-nodectl -i n[5-10] reboot
Verify that Kubernetes is ready on each system using the following command:
$ scyld-nodectl -i n0 exec kubectl get nodes -o wide NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION INTERNAL-IP EXTERNAL-IP OS-IMAGE KERNEL-VERSION CONTAINER-RUNTIME n0.cluster.local Ready control-plane 1d v1.31.2 <none> Rocky Linux 8.10 (Green Obsidian) 4.18.0-553.el8_10.x86_64 containerd://1.6.32 n1.cluster.local Ready <none> 1d v1.31.2 <none> Rocky Linux 8.10 (Green Obsidian) 4.18.0-553.el8_10.x86_64 containerd://1.6.32
The example output shows the Kubernetes cluster has ClusterWare n0 as a working control plane and n1 as a worker.