

scyld-install -- Tool to install the ClusterWare platform and perform initial basic configuration of a head node, and to update an existing head node installation.



[-h] [-v] [--config CONF_FILE] [--token TOKEN] [--dnf-repo REPO_FILE] [--yum-repo REPO_FILE] [-u | --update] [-l | --load DATABASE_FILE] [-s | --save DATABASE_FILE] [--without-files] [--iso PATH] [--os-iso PATH] [--clear] [--clear-all] [--no-tools] [--join HEAD_IP] [--skip-version-check] [--database-passwd PASSWD] [--non-interactive]


-h, --help

Print usage message and exit. Ignore trailing args, parse and ignore preceding args.

--config CONF_FILE

Specify a cluster configuration file to load and to initialize the DHCP server for private cluster network.

--token TOKEN

Specify a cluster serial number or other authentication to use in the yum repository file.

--dnf-repo REPO_FILE

Provide a complete dnf repository file.

--yum-repo REPO_FILE

Provide a complete yum repository file for the ClusterWare platform. Alias for --dnf-repo.

-u, --update

If the ClusterWare platform is already installed, then by default scyld-install asks for a confirmation that the intention is to update software, not to perform a new install. This optional argument explicitly directs scyld-install to update the ClusterWare installation.


-l, --load DATABASE_FILE

Load the ClusterWare database with the specified DATABASE_FILE.

-s, --save DATABASE_FILE

Save the ClusterWare database to the specified DATABASE_FILE.


Do NOT include the contents of images and boot files when loading or saving.


--iso PATH

Install or update the ClusterWare platform using the named PATH, which is either the path of a ClusterWare ISO file or the URL of a remote ClusterWare ISO file.

--os-iso PATH

Create the DefaultImage and DefaultBoot using the named PATH, which is either the path of a base distribution ISO file or the URL of a remote base distribution ISO file.




Clear the ClusterWare database, which DELETES ALL IMAGES AND BOOT CONFIGURATIONS! Remove all ClusterWare RPMs, except for clusterware-installer) and libcouchbase. Delete directories /opt/couchbase/, /opt/scyld/clusterware*/, and /var/log/clusterware/, and delete root's ~/.scyldcw/ and current admin's ~/.scyldcw/ (but not any other admin's ~/.scyldcw) for everything except logs, then optionally reinstall the ClusterWare platform.


Don't install the ClusterWare tools. The default is to install the tools.


Join this head node to the EXISTING_HEAD_IP IP address of an existing head node.


Use this installer and skip the online checking for a newer version.

--database-passwd PASSWD

Specify the database administrative password. Warning: influxdb2 requires a minimum of 8 characters.


During an update, most steps that alter the head node OS will be skipped by default, but this option overrides and updates the base distribution.


Execute the installer non-interactively, choosing default answers to the interactive questions in a way that most users would do. This is appropriate for using the installer in a script.


scyld-install --clear

Clear the database, leaving it empty, and undo any existing ClusterWare installation.

scyld-install --clear --config cluster-conf

Clear the database, leaving it empty, and undo any existing ClusterWare installation, then reset the database to the specified cluster-conf parameters.


Upon successful completion, scyld-install returns 0. On failure, an error message is printed to stderr and scyld-install returns 1.