Changing the Database Password#

The scyld-install installation configures the ICE ClusterWare™ database with a randomly generated password. This password is used when joining a new head node to the cluster and must be provided either through a command line or on request during the installation of the new head node. This password is stored in the database.admin_pass variable in the /opt/scyld/clusterware/conf/base.ini file. The details of changing this password depend on the specific database the cluster is using.


Once this password is changed within the database, change the database.admin_pass variable in base.ini and restart the clusterware service on each head node.

Changing the etcd Password#

Use the etcdctl tool for the rare occasion that you need to change the etcd password.

  1. Change the etcd password using the etcdctl wrapper:

    sudo /opt/scyld/clusterware-etcd/bin/etcdctl user passwd root

    The wrapper code provides the existing password from the base.ini file to the real etcdctl application. That command then requests the new password and confirmation of the new password. Once this command completes, the clusterware service on all head nodes will stop working and all scyld-*ctl commands will not work until all steps are completed.

  2. Update the database.admin_pass variable in /opt/scyld/clusterware/conf/base.ini file on each head node.

  3. Restart the clusterware service on all head nodes:

    systemctl start clusterware

After restarting the clusterware service on each head node, all scyld-*ctl commands will work again.


If this procedure is not followed, the cluster can become unusable and may require more extreme intervention to recover the etcd database contents. Please contact Penguin Solutions if such recovery is necessary.