Naming Pool Objects#
Naming Pools provide a mechanism to tie groups of nodes together through a common naming scheme, like n001 through n100. There is a default naming scheme that nodes will be assigned into; alternatively, when creating a node, it can be directly inserted into an existing Naming Pool.
In addition to naming the nodes according to a pattern, the Naming Pool can also provide offsets to IP addresses or include nodes into specified network segments.
When issuing requests, the UID
field in the URL can be either the actual UID of the object or the name
of the object as given in the "name"
Data Fields#
The Naming Pool fields are:
Required: The name for the Dynamic Group
Required: A string representing a naming pattern; a pattern may have one or more
letters followed by a set of curly-braces followed by another one or
more letters (see below)
Optional: A text string with descriptive information
Optional: Sets the first index for nodes added to this pool; default is 0
Optional: Sets a base IP address for the first node in the pool; default is empty
(use the next available address in the default network)
Optional: Sets an offset for the IP address of the first node in the pool; default
is empty (use the next available address in the default network)
Optional: Sets the Network to use when setting IP addresses
Optional: Sets an Attribute Group object that all nodes in this pool will inherit
from; any node added to the pool will automatically be assigned the
attributes of this group (unless other Attribute Groups are assigned)
Optional: Sets a parent Naming Pool for nested pools
There are several options for how naming pool patterns may be constructed:
This is the default, and indicates that nodes will be named “n0” and up; note
that in such a pattern, the name length is not constant which may lead to output
formatting errors (i.e. “n0” versus “n100” will lead to a 2 character offset)
Will give names like gpu000, gpu001, gpu002, etc.; the “:03d” is formatted,
zero-padded, 3 digits
Additional Endpoints#
Several additional endpoints are available:
GET /namingpools/info/<NODE>
For a given node, NODE, the system will reply with the naming pool information
used when naming that node
PUT /namingpool/<UID>/push
Used to push node names to be updated; this is an advanced feature, please contact
Penguin Solutions for more information.
Create a naming pool:
curl -X POST https://head1.cluster.local/api/v1/namingpools --data \
'{"name":"gpu","pattern":"gpu{}"}' -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1Ni…"
{"success": true, "data": "1049f3b2f2d744f088a4ee6cc3ecfc91"}
Check on a node’s naming pool:
curl -X GET https://head1.cluster.local/api/v1/namingpools/info/gpu0 \
-H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1Ni…"
{"success": true, "data": {"index": 0, "pattern": "gpu{}"}}