Software Distribution Objects#

Software Distribution objects (distros) are used to collect information about a software distribution. For example, which repos hold packages and what packaging scheme is used.

When issuing requests, the UID field in the URL can be either the actual UID of the object or the name of the object as given in the "name" field.

Data Fields#

Admin objects have several fields:

     Required: the name of the user on the underlying system

     Optional: A text string with descriptive information

     Optional: A list of one or more Software Repository objects

     Optional: A string representing the packaging scheme:  rpm, deb, apk; if it cannot
               be inferred from other data, “rpm” will be assumed

     Optional: A string representing the name of the release

Additional Endpoints#

There are no additional endpoints for distros; the basic operations all function as expected. For example, GET /distro/<UID> will return information about the distro.