Cluster Overview Page#
After a successful login, the Overview page displays and presents the basic cluster health and status in summary panels. You can return to the Overview page using Cluster > Overview in the left navigation panel or by clicking the logo in the header bar.
At the top of the Overview page is a link to the locally installed ICE ClusterWare™ HTML documentation. The upper right of each panel includes an "i" icon, which takes you to the relevant contextual documentation for that panel.
A link at the lower right of each panel (labeled Manage <panel-name>), or the panel title in the left sidebar takes you to that panel's detailed information.
The Refresh control is available on all pages and controls how often the GUI retrieves database contents. You can change the time interval or disable automatic updates altogether.
The Overview's ClusterWare Disk Usage panel's Manage Head Nodes link (see Heads Page) takes you to the Overview Heads page with disk usage and head node details.
Most of the more detailed pages show various entries (the lists of nodes, boot configurations, administrators, Git repositories, etc.) listed in a table. Table actions are available in the More menu, reachable by clicking on the ellipsis (...).