Hostnames Page#
Hostnames are entities that are not created by the ICE ClusterWare™ platform, but that the platform should be aware of. A hostname could be a file server, database server, network gateway, or other system that interacts with one or more ClusterWare nodes.
Use the Hostnames page to create a DNS record for the external entity. The page is available via Network > Hostnames in the left navigation panel.
Create a Hostname#
To create a hostname:
Click Add Hostname.
Add details about the hostname.
Name: Required.
Description: Optional.
Type: Select either A Record or SRV Record. The remaining fields change based on your selection.
For a hostname with a DNS A Record:
IP Address: Required. Supports IPv4 addresses.
MAC Address: Optional.
For a hostname with a DNS SRV Record:
Weight: Required.
Domain: Required.
Priority: Required.
Port: Required.
Proto: Required.
Service: Required.
Target: Required.
Click Add Host to save your changes.
The new hostname appears in the list at the top of the page.
Edit Hostname#
To edit a hostname:
Click the ellipsis (...) on the far right of the row and select the Edit action. The Add/Edit Hosts pane populates with the hostname details.
Make updates to the hostname.
Click Add/Edit Hostname to save your changes.
Delete Hostname#
To delete a hostname, click the ellipsis (...) on the far right of the row and select the Delete action.