Images Page#

An initial image, DefaultImage, is created during initial ICE ClusterWare™ installation. You can create additional images from an ISO or network-accessible package repository.

Use the Images page to create and manage images. The page is available via Provisioning + SW > SW Images in the left navigation panel.

Images Page

Create an Image#

To create an image:

  1. Click Add Image.

  2. Add details about the image.

    • Name: Required.

    • Description: Optional.

    • Parent: Optional. Use to track the origin of the image. No configuration or attributes are inherited when using this field.

    • Distros: Optional. Use this to associate the image with the distro used for creation.

    • Frozen: Freezing an image prevents future changes, including updates to image details, removing data, or deleting the image. For details, see Freezing an Image.

  3. Click Add Image to save your changes.

The new image appears in the list at the top of the page.

Edit Image#

To edit an image:

  1. Click the ellipsis (...) on the far right of the row and select the Edit action. The Edit Image pane populates with the image details.

  2. Make updates to the image.

  3. Click Edit Image to save your changes.

Delete Image#

To delete an image, click the ellipsis (...) on the far right of the row and select the Delete action.