scyld-clusterctl -- Tool for manipulating global cluster settings.
[[-c | --config] CONFIG]
[--base-url URL]
[[-u | --user] USER[:PASSWD]]
[--human | --json | --csv | --table]
[--pretty | --no-pretty]
[--fields FIELDS]
[--get-group | --set-group ATTRIB_GROUP]
[--get-naming | --set-naming PATTERN]
[--get-influx-token | --set-influx-token PATTERN]
[--get-accept-nodes | --set-accept-nodes T|F ]
[--get-distro | --set-distro DISTRO]
|--image-formats ]
{repos, distros, heads, pools, dyngroups, gitrepos, certs} ...
Query and modify global cluster settings. This tool also includes commands for modifying the repositories and distributions used when making images, as well as commands to interact with cluster head nodes.
- -h, --help
Print usage message and exit. Ignore trailing args, parse and ignore preceding args.
- -v, --verbose
Increase verbosity.
- -q, --quiet
Decrease verbosity.
- -c, --config CONFIG
Specify a client configuration file CONFIG.
- --base-url URL
Specify the base URL of the ClusterWare REST API.
- -u, --user USER[:PASSWD]
Masquerade as user USER with optional colon-separated password PASSWD.
- --human
Format the output for readability (default).
- --json
Format the output as JSON.
- --csv
Format the output as CSV.
- --table
Format the output as a table.
- --pretty
Indent JSON or XML output, and substitute human readable output for other formats.
- --no-pretty
Opposite of --pretty.
- --fields FIELDS
Select individual fields in the result or error.
- --get-group
Print the default attribute group id.
- --set-group ATTRIB_GROUP
Set the default attribute group.
- --get-naming
Print the default node naming pattern.
- --set-naming PATTERN
Set the default node naming pattern.
- --get-influx-token
Print the InfluxDB API token.
- --set-influx-token TOKEN
Set the InfluxDB API token.
- --get-accept-nodes
Display whether or not unknown nodes should be automatically added.
- --set-accept-nodes T|F
Set whether unknown nodes should be automatically added (T=true) or not (F=false).
- --get-distro
Get the current default distro.
- --set-distro DISTRO
Set the default distro to DISTRO.
- --image-formats
List image formats supported by the head node(s).
- --get-auth-config
Print the authentication config.
- --set-auth-config AUTHCFG
Set the authentication config.
- repos {list,ls, create,mk, clone,cp, update,up, replace,re, delete,rm, download}
Manipulate available repos using a subcommand:
list (ls): List information about repo(s).
create (mk): Add a repo.
clone (cp): Copy repo to new identifier.
update (up): Modify repo fields.
replace (re): Replace all repo fields. Deprecated in favor of "update".
delete (rm): Delete repo(s).
download: Download named files (any of 'iso').
- -i, --ids REPOS
A comma-separated list of repos to query or modify.
- -a, --all
Interact with all repos (default for list).
- distros {list,ls, create,mk, clone,cp, update,up, replace,re, delete,rm, import}
Manipulate available distros using a subcommand:
list (ls): List information about distro(s).
create (mk): Add a distro.
clone (cp): Copy distro to new identifier.
update (up): Modify distro fields.
replace (re): Replace all distro fields. Deprecated in favor of "update".
delete (rm) [-r, --recurse]: Delete distro(s).
- -r, --recurse
Optionally also delete any referenced repo.
import --name NAME [--release REL] FILE ...: Import one or more FILE repos into a distro NAME, and REL is an optional release string.
- -i, --ids DISTROS
A comma-separated list of distros to query or modify.
- -a, --all
Interact with all distros (default for list).
- heads [-i HEADS] [-a | --all] {list,ls, clean, service, delete,rm}
Interact with cluster head nodes using a subcommand.
If multiple head nodes, then:
-i HEADS A comma-separated list of head nodes to query or modify. -a, --all Interact with all head nodes (default for *list* and *clean*).
list (ls): List information about services on the head node(s).
clean [ACTION]: Clean unreferenced objects from head node database, where ACTION is:
--all: Trigger all implemented cleaning. --files: Delete any unknown files from storage. --heads Remove out-of-date head nodes. --database Scrub the database for broken references. --dry-run Take no action, but display what would be done. (default) --all --dry-run
delete (rm): Delete head nodes.
service [NAMES] [ACTION]: Interact with ClusterWare services (default: list), where ACTION is:
--start: Start the service(s) NAMES. --stop: Stop the service(s) NAMES. --restart: Restart the service(s) NAMES. --enable: Enable the service(s) NAMES. --disable: Disable the service(s) NAMES.
- pools {list,ls, create,mk, clone,cp, update,up, replace,re, delete,rm}
Manipulate compute node name pools using a subcommand:
list (ls): List information about the name pools.
create (mk): Add a name pool.
clone (cp): Copy name pools to new identifiers.
update (up): Modify name pool fields.
replace (re): Replace all name pool fields. (Deprecated - use update.)
delete (rm): Delete name pools.
- -i, --ids NAMINGPOOLS
A comma-separated list of name pools to query or modify.
- -a, --all
Interact with all name pools (default for list).
- dyngroups {list,ls, create,mk, clone,cp, update,up, replace,re, delete,rm, nodes}
Manipulate dynamic groups using a subcommand:
list (ls): List information about the dynamic groups.
create (mk): Add a dynamic group.
clone (cp): Copy dynamic groups to new identifiers.
update (up): Modify dynamic group fields.
replace (re): Replace all dynamic group fields. (Deprecated - use update.)
delete (rm): Delete dynamic groups.
nodes: List nodes that currently meet the same selector.
- -i, --ids DYNGROUPS
A comma-separated list of dynamic groups to query or modify.
- -a, --all
Interact with all dynamic groups (default for list).
- gitrepos {list,ls, create,mk, clone,cp, update,up, delete,rm}
Manipulate git repos using a subcommand:
list (ls): List information about the git repos.
create (mk): Add a git repo.
clone (cp): Copy git repos to new identifiers.
update (up): Modify git repo fields.
delete (rm): Delete git repos.
- -i, --ids GITREPOS
A comma-separated list of git repos to query or modify.
- -a, --all
Interact with all git repos (default for list).
- certs {list,ls, create,mk, clone,cp, update,up, delete,rm, assign}
Manipulate certificate sources using a subcommand:
list (ls): List information about the certificate sources.
create (mk): Add a certificate source.
clone (cp): Copy certificate sources to new identifiers.
update (up): Modify certificate source fields.
delete (rm): Delete certificate sources.
assign: Assign the certificate sources to nodes, and create the certificates.
- -i, --ids CERTS
A comma-separated list of certificate sources to query or modify.
- -a, --all
Interact with all certificate sources (default for list).
- hosts [--show-uids] [-i HOSTNAMES | -a] {list,ls, create,mk, clone,cp, update,up, delete,rm}
Manipulate hostname information for DNS, DHCP services using a subcommand:
list (ls): List information about the hostname.
create (mk): Add a hostname.
clone (cp): Copy hostnames to new identifiers.
update (up): Modify hostname fields.
delete (rm): Delete hostnames.
- --show-uids
Do not try to make the output more human readable.
- -i, --ids HOSTNAMES
A comma-separated list of hostnames to query or modify.
- -a, --all
Interact with all hostnames (default for list).
- nets {list,ls, create,mk, clone,cp, update,up, replace,re, delete,rm}
Manipulate available networks using a subcommand:
list (ls): List information about networks.
create (mk): Add a network.
clone (cp): Copy network to new identifiers.
update (up): Modify network fields.
delete (rm): Delete network(s).
- -i, --ids NETWORKS
A comma-separated list of networks to query or modify.
- -a, --all
Interact with all networks (default for list).
- providers {list,ls, create,mk, clone,cp, update,up, replace,re, delete,rm, resources, alloc, release, attach}
Manipulate available providers using a subcommand:
list (ls): List information about providers.
create (mk): Add a provider.
clone (cp): Copy providers to new identifiers.
update (up): Modify provider fields.
delete (rm): Delete provider(s).
resources: Show available resources, including unattached allocated systems.
alloc: Allocate machines according to the configuration.
release: Release machines according to the configuration.
attach: Attach existing machines to ClusterWare nodes.
- -i, --ids PROVIDERS
A comma-separated list of providers to query or modify.
- -a, --all
Interact with all providers (default for list).
scyld-clusterctl heads --help
Show the available subcommands:
list (ls)
,delete (rm)
scyld-clusterctl heads clean --help
Show the resources that can be cleaned:
scyld-clusterctl heads service
Display the names of all ClusterWare system services and their states for a solo head node cluster.
scyld-clusterctl heads --all service
Display the names of all ClusterWare system services and their states for all head nodes.
scyld-clusterctl heads -i head02 service
Display the names of all ClusterWare system services and their states for head node head02.
scyld-clusterctl heads service --help
Show all the available actions on services:
scyld-clusterctl heads --all clean --all
Clean everything on all head nodes.
scyld-clusterctl pools --help
Show the available subcommands:
list (ls)
,create (mk)
,clone (cp)
,update (up)
,delete (rm)
scyld-clusterctl pools create name=infiniband_nodes pattern=ib{} first_index=0
scyld-nodectl -i n[64-127] update naming_pool=infiniband_nodes
Create a node name group "infiniband_nodes" for nodes named "ibX", beginning with "ib0", and associate those names with nodes n64 to n127.
scyld-clusterctl nets create first_ip= mask_bits=24 ip_count=100 gateway_ip= router_ip=
Create a network that includes 100 IP addresses, to, with a network mask of 24 bits. The network mask does not have to align with the
field, nodes are numbered starting at thefirst_ip
. The network gateway and router are optional, but are explicitly given in this example.
Upon successful completion, scyld-clusterctl returns 0.
On failure, an error message is printed to stderr
scyld-clusterctl returns 1.