Boot Configurations Page#

The Boot Configurations page is available by clicking Provisioning + SW > Boot Configs in the left navigation panel. The page shows a summary list of each boot configuration, its associated kernel release, and image name, the command line to send to each booting kernel, and optionally the repo name and kickstart name.

Boot Config Page

Create Boot Configuration#

To create a boot configuration:

  1. Click Add Boot Configuration.

  2. Add details about the boot configuration.

    • Name: Required.

    • Description: Optional.

    • Image: Optional. Name of an existing image.

    • cmdline: Optional. Specify the command provided to the kernel as it is booting. The value can be any string, though key=value pairs are typical. For example, provide a command to modify power management settings or serial console settings.

    • Kickstart: Optional. Provide a Kickstart file to configure how the node is initialized at boot time. See Using Kickstart for details.

    • Frozen: Optional. When enabled, the boot configuration cannot be modified via the GUI or command line. See Freezing a Boot Configuration for details.

  3. Click Add/Edit Boot Configuration to save your changes.

The new boot configuration appears in the list at the top of the page.

Edit Boot Configuration#

To edit a boot configuration:

  1. Click the ellipsis (...) on the far right of the row and select the Edit action. The Add/Edit Boot Configuration pane populates with the boot configuration's details.

  2. Make updates to the boot configuration.

  3. Click Add/Edit Boot Configuration to save your changes.

Delete Boot Configuration#

To delete a boot configuration, click the ellipsis (...) on the far right of the row and select the Delete action.