ICE ClusterWare Graphical User Interface#

The ICE ClusterWare™ graphical user interface (GUI) is available on all head nodes using a browser to access http://<HEADNODE_IP>. The default authentication is done through PAM, so cluster administrators can use their existing credentials for the head node.

The ClusterWare GUI opens to an Overview page. Use the left navigation panel to access detailed pages for nodes, boot configurations, user management, and so on.

Overview Page

The following pages are available:

The Grafana Monitoring Dashboard (see Grafana Telemetry Dashboard) is also available on all head nodes, either by clicking on the Telemetry Dashboard link in the left navigation pane or by accessing http://<HEADNODE_IP>/grafana. The Grafana default credentials are the username "admin" and the database.admin_pass from the base.ini:

sudo grep admin_pass /opt/scyld/clusterware/conf/base.ini

Administrators can change the password within the Grafana graphical interface.