Grafana Login#

The ICE ClusterWare™ Monitoring graphical interface employs the Open Source Grafana, InfluxDB, and Telegraf to collect data from compute nodes and head nodes and present the data visually to authorized users. The basic initialization directs InfluxDB to retain data for one week. The retention period can be modified:

TELEGRAF_BUCKET_ID=$(sudo influx bucket list | grep telegraf | awk '{print $1}')
sudo influx bucket update --id ${TELEGRAF_BUCKET_ID} --retention <new-period>

where <new-period> is an integer concatenated with a one-letter abbreviation of a time period, e.g., "7d" or "1w" for one week, "14w" for 14 weeks, "12h" for 12 hours, "1y" for one year. The longer the retention period means the greater the size of retained data. See for details.

Access the Monitoring GUI through the Health + Monitoring > Telemetry Dashboard link in the ClusterWare left navigation panel or directly using http://<HEADNODE_IP>/grafana.


The URL http://<HEADNODE_IP>/grafana may differ if the cluster administrator has switched to HTTPS or otherwise modified the Apache configuration.

When the home page is loaded for the first time, login with username "admin" and the database.admin_pass from the base.ini (sudo grep pass /opt/scyld/clusterware/conf/base.ini). After that, you can change the user name and/or the password as you wish by clicking on the colored icon in the lower left above the "?" question mark to expose a menu allowing you to view or change "Preferences", "Change Password", or "Sign out".

Typically after the initial "admin" database.admin_pass login the user should first edit the Preferences to change the user's Name, Email address, and the Username to use for subsequent logins. Then click on "Change Password" and change the password you wish to use for those subsequent logins.

A basic Grafana Monitoring capability is installed preconfigured in the ClusterWare software. You can further modify this configuration to suit your local cluster needs. New dashboards can be created, or new display panels added to the existing ones to show more customized information. Grafana includes a suite of visualization tools like scatter, line, bar, and pie charts, as well as tables, gauges, and histograms. Since the underlying ClusterWare monitoring database is InfluxDB, any valid Flux-language query can be used to filter or process the data. For more information on InfluxDB and Grafana customization, including links to tutorials, see InfluxDB and Grafana.

To facilitate monitoring of compute node GPU activity, first install into the GPU compute node image(s) the NVidia System Management Interface utility (nvidia-smi), which ships with NVidia GPU drivers. See for details of that utility, and see for a description of how to install NVidia drivers. Then in the compute node image(s) copy /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d/nvidia-smi.conf.example (distributed in the clusterware-node RPM) to /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d/nvidia-smi.conf.