Deleting Unused Images#

Compute node images consume significant storage space. Remote images are replicated among cooperating head nodes and are the files downloaded by PXEbooting compute nodes. A local image is a cached copy of a remote image that was downloaded when an administrator viewed or modified the image. Deleting a local image does not affect its remote version and merely causes it to be re-downloaded from the head node if and when an administrator subsequently views or modifies it.

To view the list of local and remote images, run:

scyld-modimg ls

To delete a local cached image xyzImage, run:

scyld-modimg -i xyzImage --delete

To delete all cached images, run:

scyld-modimg --all --delete

Neither of these commands deletes or otherwise affects the remote images.

To permanently delete an unwanted remote image, run:

scyld-imgctl -i xyzImage delete