Administrators Page#
The Manage Administrators page lists all administrator users, their permissions, and the date and time of their last login. Use this page to add and edit ICE ClusterWare™ administrators. The page is available via User Management > Users + Groups in the left navigation panel.
All users listed in the Users table can be assigned administrator roles and permissions.
Administrators granted temporary access via "auth.tmpadmins" as defined in the
file are flagged in the list. See
Authentication for details about enabling temporary permissions.
Add Administrator#
If you configured the ClusterWare platform with Keycloak, users must be added in both the Keycloak and ClusterWare softwares. See Integrating Keycloak with ICE ClusterWare for RBAC for details.
To create an administrator:
Click Add Administrator. The Add Administrator pane opens.
Add details about the administrator. Name and RBAC Roles are required fields. Default roles and descriptions are available at the top of the page by expanding the Role descriptions section. See Roles for a list of permissions granted by each default role.
Click Add Administrator to save your changes. The new administrator is added to the list.
Edit Administrator#
If you configured the ClusterWare platform with Keycloak, modifying roles must be done in both the Keycloak and ClusterWare softwares. See Integrating Keycloak with ICE ClusterWare for RBAC for details.
To edit an administrator:
Click the ellipsis (...) on the far right of the row and select the Edit action. The Edit Administrator pane appears and populates with the administrator's details.
Make updates to the administrator.
Click Edit Administrator to save your changes.
Delete Administrator#
To delete an administrator, click the ellipsis (...) on the far right of the row and select the Delete action.