Variable Substitution#

Data that is downloaded or processed by a ICE ClusterWare™ head node can often include per-node modifications through a variable substitution framework. Much like a templating system, an admin can create a baseline file, e.g. a kickstart file, and have the ClusterWare platform automatically replace entries with node- or head-specific data. Thus, one can dynamically include the node's name or IP address, or a head-node's base URL or key information.

# example kickstart fragment

# Perform a SOL friendly text-based install.

# Pull some basics from the head node.
url --url <root_url()>
lang <head[lang]>
keyboard <head[keymap]>
timezone <head[timezone]>

# include another file

The ClusterWare platform currently allows variable substitution in kickstart files, ZTP scripts and configuration files, and the power_uri field for a node. The goal of these substitutions is to provide mechanisms to generalize the files for simpler configuration with fewer node-specific files or commands.

The <include(partial.ks)> tag shown in the example includes another file into the output, performing variable substitution on the included content as well. The include tag allows a cluster administrator to break larger files into manageable hunks that can then be included into a top-level kickstart file, much like a C or C++ #include <filename>.

Node Attributes, Hardware, and Status#

Any node's attribute can be referenced as <a[name]> or <attributes[name]> and that text will be replaced with the value corresponding to the “name”. Similarly, values from the hardware section of scyld-nodectl ls -L can be referenced as <h[name]> or <hardware[name]> and status information is referenced as <s[name]> or <status[name]>. Fields outside of attributes and hardware, such as index, ip, or MAC can be referenced by <n[name]> or <node[name]>.

Head Node Substitutions#

In addition to compute node-specific fields, a few head node-specific fields are also available in kickstart files:


Kickstart keymap arguments like --vckeymap=X --xlayouts=Y


System locale


Time zone

When used within downloadable text files, such as kickstart and ZTP files, a few other parameters are available as well:


X is a parameter provided as part of the requesting URL


A base URL that should be functional for the requestor


IP address of the parent head node extracted from the base URL


System-wide authorized keys list including head node keys and cluster administrator keys. Suitable for appending to .ssh/authorized_keys

Kickstarting From A Repo#

When downloading a kickstart file from a repo-based boot configuration, a URL parameter is added that references the repo, allowing for additional substitutions. In this case the substitutions are implemented as functions with a slightly different syntax:


Link to the root of the full ISO file if the repo contains one


Link to the full ISO file if the repo contains one


Rarely if ever used. Refers to a specific URL in a ClusterWare repo

Note that all of these functions accept a repo name or UID as an argument but will use the automatically provided URL parameter if no repo is explicitly specified. The <repo_url()> function also includes a second optional integer argument to specify the index of the URL in the referenced repo.