Git Repositories#
ICE ClusterWare™ head nodes can host Git repositories containing code or configuration files needed by compute nodes. These Git repositories can be used to enable compute nodes to run Ansible during boot up or to pull down version-controlled config files. The ClusterWare platform can directly host the Git repository on the head node, storing the files locally and allowing for modifications by local developers. Alternatively, the ClusterWare head nodes can be leveraged as a synchronization point for tracking upstream repositories. In the latter case, development work is primarily done on the upstream Git repository and ClusterWare tools can be used to sync or pull any changes down to the local copy. In both cases, the Git repositories are exported into the cluster for use with Ansible, Puppet, or as repositories of configuration files for initialization and boot-up.
Initial Preparation#
To facilitate interaction with the ClusterWare Git system, first add your
personal public key to your ClusterWare admin account. This key is populated
into the root user's (or _remote_user's) authorized_keys
file for a newly
booted compute node. The key is then used to provide SSH access to the Git
To add the key to the admin record, run the following command:
scyld-adminctl up keys=@/full/path/.ssh/
Add the localhost's host keys to a personal
file with the following command:Note
Adding the localhost’s host key is not strictly necessary, but adding it avoids an SSH warning that can interrupt scripting.
ssh-keyscan localhost >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
Locally Hosted Repositories#
The scyld-clusterctl tool is used to create, update, and delete
objects in the ClusterWare database.
To create a new gitrepos
scyld-clusterctl gitrepos create name=gtest
To view the details of the gitrepos
scyld-clusterctl gitrepos ls -l
Git Repos
chksum: sha1:b0b06c1d5acbcfc1e5a38314f31af6f3d8b4b63b
filename: 50a2cc42303f4bf98c71c09b9e0d2adf
mtime: 2024-08-02 18:41:43 UTC (0:42:47 ago)
size: 12.0 KiB (12288 bytes)
last_modified: 2024-08-02 18:41:43 UTC (0:42:47 ago)
name: gtest
sshgit: cwgit@<HEAD>:gtest
url: <BASE_URL>/git-http/gtest
The main field of interest is sshgit
, which can be used in Git operations.
For example, to clone a copy of the gitrepos
git clone cwgit@
Cloning into 'gtest'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 3, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0 (from 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (3/3), done.
By default, a single file is added in the otherwise empty repository:
. At this point, the repository on the local disk can be used
like any other Git repository. For example, to create a new file in the
cd gtest/
echo "new file" > NewFile.txt
git add NewFile.txt
git commit -m "add new file"
[main 89d5f44] add new file
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 NewFile.txt
Since authentication occurs via SSH keys, you can push the changes back to the ClusterWare-hosted Git repos:
git push
Enumerating objects: 4, done.
Counting objects: 100% (4/4), done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 286 bytes | 286.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
d5a1a0b..89d5f44 main -> main
The “url” includes an HTTP-based URL that can also be used for Git download operations, but does NOT allow new data to be pushed up to the ClusterWare head node.
Mirroring Upstream Resources#
In many cases, ClusterWare Git repositories are used to mirror upstream repos. Developers can work with standard tools and interact with an enterprise Git service, such as GitLab or GitHub, without needing direct contact to the cluster. The ClusterWare platform can synchronize the locally-hosted copy with the upstream repository.
When creating the gitrepos
object, specify a name, an upstream source, and a
mapping for local-to-upstream branches:
scyld-clusterctl gitrepos create name=gtest2 \
upstream= \
In this example, only one branch is defined and it shares the same name (main) in the local and upstream repos. For more complex configurations, a comma-separated list of local-to-upstream mappings can be provided, and the local/upstream names do not need to be the same. For example: “main:main,cw_dev:up_dev” defines two mappings. The first maps the local “main” to upstream “main” and the second maps local “cw_dev” to the upstream “up_dev”.
Since the ClusterWare platform creates a minimal Git repository by default
(with a CwReadMe.txt
file), it is often necessary to “sync” and “sync reset”
so that the local repos downloads the relevant metadata from the upstream repos,
and then pulls down the current upstream contents. For example:
scyld-clusterctl gitrepos -igtest2 sync
Git Repos
Branch 'main' is 1 commit ahead of and 3 commits behind branch 'upstream/main'
scyld-clusterctl gitrepos -igtest2 sync reset
Git Repos
Branch 'main' reset to branch 'upstream/main'
This extra “reset” is caused by the placeholder content that ClusterWare v.12.4.0 creates. This may change in future releases.
When new upstream changes are made, pull the changes to the local copy using the following command:
scyld-clusterctl gitrepos -igtest2 sync pull
Git Repos
Branch 'main' reset to branch 'upstream/main'
Next, re-sync any clients that might need that new data (for example, all of the compute nodes):
git pull
Public Access#
For development and testing of the config files and code in a Git repository,
authenticated access is needed so that the git push
commands work. The
ClusterWare platform can also provide public access to any gitrepos
on the head nodes.
The base URL for public access is found in the scyld-clusterctl
scyld-clusterctl gitrepos ls --fields url -l
Git Repos
url: <BASE_URL>/git-http/gtest
For the above example, public access can be found at:
git clone
Cloning into 'gtest'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 6, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (6/6), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
remote: Total 6 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0 (from 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (6/6), done.
In this example, if another file is added and pushed back to the ClusterWare
object, the push will fail. Even if SSH keys have been loaded, this
is using a public URL, which disallows upload of new content:
echo "another file" > AnotherFile.txt
git add AnotherFile.txt
git commit -m "adding another file"
[main b900bf1] adding another file
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 AnotherFile.txt
$ git push
fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 403
If public access to a gitrepos
needs to be disabled for some reason, setting
the “public” field to False blocks access:
scyld-clusterctl gitrepos -igtest update public=False