Naming Pools Page#

Naming pools are used to support multiple name groupings within the ICE ClusterWare™ platform. Naming pools are useful in complex clusters where you want to identify compute nodes based on core capablities. For details, see Node Names and Pools.

Use the Naming Pools page to create and manage naming pools. The page is available via Nodes > Naming Pools in the left navigation panel.

Naming Pool Page

Create a Naming Pool#

To create a naming pool:

  1. Click Add Naming Pool.

  2. Add details about the naming pool.

    • Name: Required.

    • Description: Optional.

    • Pattern: Optional.

    • First Index: Optional.

    • Parent Group: Optional. Select a parent group from the list of available groups.

    • IP Base: Available if a parent group is selected.

    • Network: Available if no parent group is selected.

    • Group: Available if no parent group is selected.

    • Offset: Available if no parent group is selected.

  3. Click Add Naming Pool to save your changes.

The new naming pool appears in the list at the top of the page.

Edit Naming Pool#

To edit a naming pool:

  1. Click the naming pool name to open the details panel.

  2. Click the edit icon (pencil) to enable changes.

  3. Make updates to the naming pool.

  4. Click Update to save your changes.

Delete Naming Pool#

To delete a naming pool, click the ellipsis (...) on the far right of the row and select the Delete action.

Change Default Naming Pattern#

If no other naming pool is associated with a node, the default naming pattern is used. At system installation time, the default naming pattern is n{}. Use Default naming pattern to update the cluster settings with a different default naming pattern.