Attribute Groups Page#

The Attribute Groups page displays the list of attribute groups as well as a dropdown menu to change the default attribute group. The page is available via Nodes > Node Attributes in the left navigation panel.

Attributes Page

Create Attribute Group#

To create an attribute group:

  1. Click Add Attribute Group.

  2. Add details about the attribute group. Name and Attributes are required fields. When adding multiple attributes, use a JSON structure with "key1":"val1" pairs. For example:

  3. Click Add/Edit Attribute Group to save your changes.

The new attribute group appears in the list at the top of the page.

Edit Attribute Group#

To edit an attribute group:

  1. Click the ellipsis (...) on the far right of the row and select the Edit action. The Add/Edit Attribute Group pane populates with the attribute group's details.

  2. Make updates to the attribute group.

  3. Click Add/Edit Attribute Group to save your changes.

Delete Attribute Group#

To delete an attribute group, click the ellipsis (...) on the far right of the row and select the Delete action.

Change Default Attribute Group#

The Default Attribute Group is used to provide a basic boot configuration for nodes that do not already have one specified. At system installation time, a default attribute group called DefaultAttribs is created and contains a single attribute, _boot_config, set to DefaultBoot. Use the Default attribute group dropdown to select a different default attribute group.